Monday, December 7, 2009

Starting back up

After last weeks decision to take this all more seriously, I've decided this week to make a resolution to get some type of exercise in each day.

Today's workout was the Crunch yoga/Pilates video. Again, during the video I didn't feel like I was working that hard, but if last time I did it was any indication I'm going to be really sore tomorrow.

I'm going to go back to doing yoga as often as possible. I'm planning on doing the video I did today once a week, then twice a week doing the *hard* yoga video and twice a week doing the easy yoga video. I'll do the easy one on the days I'm planning to run, just so I'm not over doing it.

I feels good to be moving my body again, to be pushing myself again. I'm still trying to find my rhythm, to get back into that groove, but it's a start.


Mary :: A Merry Life said...

Good luck! It's awesome to get in daily exercise and your body really will feel better for it. Have a great week!

Cheryl Chamberlain said...

we all have to find what's good for us, and works for us. keep that resolution! whether it's yearly, monthly, weekly, or even daily!!!

Tracking Transformation: Where I stand now