Wednesday, August 13, 2008

H.I.I.T. me with your best shot!

In preparation for when my ankles decide to play nice again, I've been researching this trendy phenomenon people have been calling H.I.I.T.

I am most definitely going to try this, however much I think I will hate it.

There seems to be pleanty of resources out there, like HIIT source, to help a poor newb like me along. And this HIIT stuff has been talked about plenty recently, like Crabby McSlacker's post on the Cranky Fitness version S.H.I.I.T. ^_^

This is going to be another ongoing fitness experiment ala MizFit or The Great Fitness Experiment.

Anyone else up for this?


Penny said...

Well yes me obviously, although I SUCKED yesterday because of my STUPID leg, but yes, sign me up and let me know what you're doing and I will definitely reciprocate!

I'm sure you'll be anklefit and raring to go when I get back from Tuscany!

TA x

carla said...

MEG DONT FALL OVER, BUT, *I* may be in with you.
a time thing.

lemmie mull and get back to you BUT if I am perhaps we can do a plan and post at MizFit our progress?


Meg said...

Ok you guys are on. I say we wait for tokaiangel to get back from Tuscany and then this thing is ON! I'd be honored to have my (mostly pitiful) progress posted over at MizFit! ^_^


Penny said...

Woo woo woo! I'm back on Friday 22nd (next Friday) so gird your loins ladies!

Hang on, MizFit is on this too? Did we fall into a parallel universe of awesome?

TA x

carla said...

ok EMAIL ME when you are ready to go!


Penny said...

Did I see a GREEN LIGHT from the MizFit camp?

Amazing. Amazing. This is going to make coming back from Italy to miserable rainy Yorkshire actually BEARABLE....


TA x

Tracking Transformation: Where I stand now