Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Randomness

It's been a relatively sucessfull week, fitness wise. Other than being incredably sore on my days off, I really don't have much to report.

So instead: A few links on this Friday to help you waste some time.

A whole Chicken in a can - Yes. Have some.

Let WebMD help you with your diet - A "success" checker that makes you go through a rather rigorous questionnaire.

Cranky Fitness is having a sweet giveaway, check it out!

Txts from Last Night - As if you needed another reason to not drink and txt, this site imortalizes some of the best (or worst.)

And because I can, coffee and a cupcake to get you started this weeked:

1 comment:

Casey said...

Fun fact: I used to work in a health food store that sold a whole chicken in a can. I never purchased one. I did dust them off and move them one by one to the 50% off rack. And then to the dumpster.

Tracking Transformation: Where I stand now