Monday, October 13, 2008

The monetary value of health

One of the things I've talked about a lot, especially recently, is the impact my job has on my health. Besides the long hours (12 hour shifts) the odd hours (7pm to 7am) , and being constantly surrounded by bad food, I have discovered that I have an inability to call in sick. Besides the fact that as a "temp" (long story) I do not have "sick days" and therefore will not get payed if I call in sick, there is no one to cover my job should I call in sick. And I don't mean that in the way that other people would gt over loaded, I mean that in the way that there is no one else trained that would be available to cover my shift should I call in sick.

This brings up what is to me at least an interesting point. The monetary value of health, and the value to a company of the health of it's employee's. It seems to me lately, especially with the downturn in the U.S. economy, that more and more companies are expecting their employee's to put their health and well-being aside in the interest of maintaining their employment.

I've been debating whether there is a point at which my employment will impact my health so negatively that I am forced to find another job, just to stay reasonably healthy.

How do your jobs treat the subject of employee health?

1 comment:

Penny said...

Is there any chance you could get a permenent position there? I work technically as a freelancer and I find the lack of stability has an adverse affect on my anxiety levels!

Having said that, I am lucky in that our big boss (lord and master) was the one who intervened and got me my therapist, and arranged for work to pay for the sessions. I don't even want to think what would have happened to me if he hadn't stepped in at such a critical point! I am thankful every day for my place of employment - they genuinely do care. I think the duty of care is a dying art in the workplace, I can't imagine finding the same level of support anywhere else.

TA x

Tracking Transformation: Where I stand now